Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thanks to the youth group

On Wednesday night, the elders were invited to meet with the junior and senior high youth group. We were given no indication why they wanted to meet with us. We were in for a very pleasant surprise.

We went into the library and it was filled with 70 or so junior and senior highers and leaders, sitting on the floor from wall to wall. Also a line of chairs for each of the elders. After introducing us to the youth and asking if we were good sports, JJ had someone behind each elder dangle a donut from a string and we had to see who could get hold of and eat the donut first.

After that, the youth expressed their appreciation to the elders for what they do. Some of the youth leaders washed the feet of each elder and prayed for us. Then the elders were asked to stand in the middle of the room while the youth laid hands on us and prayed for us.

The youth have led the congregation in prayer by starting the prayer room and are continuing to provide leadership to the congregation.

Way to go, youth.


  1. Everyone who is anyone wants to know . . . who won the donut eating contest?

  2. Dave Olson won, but pretty much everyone believes he cheated. And he jumped the starting pistol.
