Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why are we here?

Why are we here?
I'm not asking why we are here on earth, although that's important. I'm not asking why we showed up here today.

I'm asking why you are here at Shiloh.
Why are you here?
Are you here because you like the youth program? You like the worship time? You like the preaching? Maybe it's the church you grew up in. Maybe you are just comfortable here.
Why are you here?
Does it make any difference where you go? It depends... What has God called you to do? For whatever reason, God put you here. You may not even know why, but He does. if God has put you here, then why are you here? It is no accident you are here, so what is the reason?

Romans 12: 4-6: "For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."

What do the parts of the body do? In I Corinthians 12, we are told they work together. Notice both parts... they "work," they contribute to each other and the rest of the body... and "together," they do it in community.

So what is your purpose here? Every cell in the body contributes to the whole in their own way. Every little finger, big toe, spleen, skin and elbow has their own reason for being part of the body, and they are coordinated with others in the body.
So why are you here?
Among other things, to minister. To paraphrase a former president, "Ask not what your church can do for you, ask rather what you can do for your church."

Does that mean you will not be ministered to? Absolutely not. In fact, you will find that when you minister to others, you are ministered to yourself, and God will bless you as well.

So practically, what do you do about it? Many of you are already deeply involved in ministry at Shiloh and we appreciate that so much. Many people in the body would not be ministered to the body today if not for your gift of serving.

Shawn Smith is going to help coordinate volunteers and ministries. Just after Easter, on April 19 & 26, we will be putting out cards for you to indicate your interests and talents and areas where you believe God is calling you to serve and minister. And ministry leaders will be determining areas where service is needed. He'll put the two lists together and someone will get in touch with you. Or go to a ministry leader of an area you want to be involved and ask how you can help.

Our church direction is: Worship, Belong, Serve

How are you going to Serve?

There are people here to whom God is calling you to minister at this point in time, and He has uniquely suited you to do this in your own way as a part of the body.

So we'll ask the question one last time:
Why are you here?

Encouraging you to serve the Lord,
Your Shiloh Hills Fellowship Elders

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